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Association of Academic Mid-Level Faculty Staff of the University of Zurich

Information for Candidates

You can find descriptions of the individual commissions with the seats of the junior researchers here. On the right hand side, you can find documents on how to run for office.

Serving on a committee not only allows you to voice the concerns of the junior researchers to decision-making processes at UZH, but it also means you can get better acquainted with the workings of a university and allows you to collaborate with others beyond your own discipline. Likewise, the SNF by now also asks you to list your institutional responsibilities. The amount of work varies from committee to committee – the senate, for example, usually means just one three-hour meeting per semester. In other words, even if you don't have a lot of time, there are possibilities for you to contribute.

For every seat that is advertised, we are also looking for a deputy. You can now also just run for the deputy position.

Quick Guide: How to Submit your Candidacy

Brief instructions for how to apply for a position as a delegate for junior researchers (WNW) in university or faculty committees

  1. Select the committee(s) you would like to run for. Read the fact sheet for candidates. You can find further information on the committees and the commission here.
  2. Submit your candidacy/ies via our online form here for a university committee or here for a faculty committee until 18.10.2022 (24:00). You will need a motivational text (max. 500 characters including spaces) and a photo (resolution at least 300 dpi, square or in portrait format, not mandatory). This information will be made public to everyone on our website and is also entered into our e-voting tool for the election.
  3. Your candidacy needs to be supported by people from the Junior Researchers. Your candidacy is only valid if the necessary signatures have been received by VAUZ.
  • university committees: you need 10 supporters from the Junior Researchers. (exception: you need 30 supporters for the Board of the University and the Extended Executive Board of the University).
  • faculty committees: you need 5 supporters from Junior Researchers eligible to vote at your faculty.
  • institutes: you need 2 supporters from the Junior Researchers eligible to vote at your institute

To do this, send an e-mail to the people of your choice requesting support for your candidacy for the desired committee or committees including this link:

They will need the following information: your name | your first name | your e-mail address | your institute address | commissions you are running for


Weiterführende Informationen

Factsheets and Guidelines

