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Dear Colleagues!
I have a project I would like to talk to you. You may have heard about the international festival called "Pint of Science" ( )
The festival happens on the 20-21-22 May 2019 and the concept is to bring the public to know more about science by having talks and activities in different pubs for 3 evenings. It's the first year Switzerland participate and I had put Zurich as a possible welcoming city.
I really believe in the project and It's a great opportunity to build project management and communication skills that would benefit the mittelbau. But for the project to be a reality, I need to build a strong team of motivated people.
To start, we need a City coordinator, a treasurer and a publicist. As Zurich is a German-speaking city we suggest that at least 1/3 of the events should be in German as it is destined for the public.
The director of Pint of Science in Switzerland, Silvia Cardellino (, will help us through all the organisation.
The festival concern all academic field so the whole university can be represented!
So if you are motivated to bring your research field to the public or just enjoy working on exciting events, please contact me or SIlvia Cardellino for more information.
I am looking forward making this project a reality!
Best, Lauriane
Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an Doktorierende und Postdocs aus den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften; sie wird organisiert von Graduate Campus und dem Doktoratsprogramm „Geschichte des Wissens“. Mit Beiträgen von Prof. Dr. Monika Dommann (UZH) und Alexander Schmitz (Lektor bei Konstanz University Press) und gemeinsamer Diskussion.
Zeit: Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2018, 12:00-13:00 Uhr, mit Stehlunch und Austausch im Anschluss.
Info und Anmeldung
Public Science Policy Session: Is merit (gender) biased? (PDF, 185 KB)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Lucy Küng, Reuters Institute, Oxford University
Time: 18.15
Location: University of Zurich, City Campus, Rämistrasse 59, Aula RAA-G-01
Die dritte Ausgabe der öffentlichen Veranstaltung findet diesmal in Kooperation mit der Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services statt.
Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2018, UZH Digital Forum
Ort: KOL-G-217, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich (Universität Zürich, Hauptgebäude)
Zeit: 17:00 - 18:30 Uhr
Wir freuen uns auf einen Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Bart Custers, Experte im Bereich Algorithmic Bias und Professor am elaw, Center for Law and Digital Technologies an der Universität Leiden.
Matthias Spielkamp von AlgorithmWatch in Berlin wird eine kurze Einführung in das Thema machen.
Eine ausführliche Beschreibung zum Inhalt der Veranstaltung und den weiteren Rednern finden Sie hier auf der Website der DSI.
Einführung: Patricia Pfeifer (Filmwissenschaftlerin Universität Zürich)
Kulturbetrieb Royal, Bahnhofstrasse 39, 5400 Baden | Bar 20:00 | Referat und Film 20:30 | Eintritt: Kollekte
(please find English translation below. No, not speaking German is not a problem to become a board member)
Unser Verein ist aktiv und wächst und wir alle im Vorstand wollen dafür sorgen, dass das auch so bleibt. Um für die Zukunft des Vereins sorgen sind wir auf der Suche nach neuen, engagierten Vorstandsmitgliedern. Wenn du dich für ehrenamtliche Arbeit interessierst, gerne bei unseren Anlässen mithelfen möchtest und z&h auch mitgestalten willst, dann heissen wir dich im Vorstand herzlich willkommen!
An unserer nächsten GV am 13. Dezember (die offizielle Einladung wird in einer Woche geschickt) werden uns drei Vorstandsmitglieder aus verschiedenen Gründen verlassen. Die sind Alessandro Decaminada (Präsident), Michał Bączyk (Webmaster) und Adrien Clinard (Quästor/Finanzen). Da zwei andere Vorstandsmitglieder Mitte 2019 den Vorstand verlassen werden, wären wir sehr froh, wenn viele Kandidaten erscheinen würden. Die Aufgaben im Vorstand sind divers und wir sind flexibel bei der Einteilung, d.h. du solltest uns bei Interesse kontaktieren, egal was du genau für eine Funktionhaben willst.
Bist du interessiert? Hast du Fragen? Wünsche? Dann melde dich einfach unter
Beste Grüsse,
dein z&h Vorstand
Our association is active and growing. In our board we all take care, that this will be the case also in the future. That's why we are looking for new, engaged board members. If you are interested in volunteering, you want to help out at some of our events and to co-design z&h, then you are warmly welcome to join the board!
Three board members will leave us at the general assembly on December, 13th (official invitation will be sent in a week). Those are Alessandro Decaminada (President), MichałBączyk (Webmaster) and Adrien Clinard (Quaestor/Finances). Moreover, two other board member will likely leave next summer. Therefore, we'd be very happy, should there be several candidates. The tasks in the board are diverse and we are flexible, so contact us if you are interested, whichever role in the board you'd like to have.
Interested? Got questions? Wishes? Criticism? Hungry? Just send as an email to
Yours faithfully,
the z&h board
Join an inspiring evening with one of the worlds top thinkers!
Kishore Mahbubani is a Singaporean academic and former diplomat; he represented Singapore as Ambassador to the UN and President of the UN Security Council.
Ma thèse en 180 secondes (MT180)
MT180 Délai d’inscription : 15.12.2018
MT180 Atelier préparatoire : 8.3.2019
MT180 Concours UZH : 11.04.2019
Die Universität Zürich lädt Doktorierende aller Fakultäten und Disziplinen dazu ein, sich am internationalen französischsprachigen Wettbewerb « Ma thèse en 180 secondes » (MT180) zu beteiligen und sich bis 15. Dezember online dafür anzumelden. MT180 ist in Anlehnung an die englischsprachige Three-Minute-Thesis (3MT) 2012 in Quebec entstanden und wird in 18 Ländern der Welt durchgeführt.Neben den Universitäten der Romandie beteiligt sich die Universität Zürich im April 2019 zum zweiten Mal an diesem internationalen Wettbewerb, für den attraktive Preise ausgeschrieben sind. Eine Beteiligung sowohl am französischen Wettbewerb (im Frühlingssemester) wie am englischsprachigen (im Herbstsemester) ist möglich.
become actionuni's first social media coordinator
actionuni is planning to become active on social media channels like linked-in and twitter soon!
We think this is needed to share in an effective way our work and our opinions.
However, in order not to have “dead” channels we are looking for a social media coordinator. This person will work closely together with the board and commission representatives to coordinate the work.
You don’t need any experience to become our social media coordinator! Giulia the social media coordinator of Eurodoc (European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior researchers) agreed to assist us with the first steps.
The workload will depend on you – but it is important that you can regularly check our channels together with people of the board.
If you are interested, please send an email to including your
- Name
- Position and Affiliation
- Motivation (very short)
- Languages
In case of questions, feel free to mail us (
We are looking forward to receive your applications till Friday, 21.12.2018!
Please share this email within your organisation!
Best regards,
Co-president Actionuni
Salome Adam, M.Sc.
PhD Candidate in Epidemiology
+41 44 634 53 79
+41 79 249 54 33
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI)
University of Zurich
Hirschengraben 84
CH-8001 Zürich
The Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg take great pleasure of announcing that it is seeking to recruit post-doctorates for a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (PDRF). We are looking for enthusiastic doctoral graduates who specialise in the field of Education; have already graduated with their Ph,D. and who have a minimum of two academic publications that have been published in recognized journals.
Interested candidates can visit the website on the link below for more information on specific requirement and the pre-application process:[IDX]=114722
The Call for Papers for the International Conference on the Mental Health & Wellbeing of Postgraduate Researchers is NOW OPEN!
This two-day international conference will provide delegates with a national and international view of sector policy developments, insights into the implementation of institutional strategies, the latest research into PGRs mental health and wellbeing, plus good-practice approaches to supporting the wellbeing of postgraduate students.
A day devoted to transparent and reproducible research practices.
Tuesday, February 5, 2019, KOH-B-10.
Open to all members of UZH: students, researchers, administrative and technical staff, no registration required.
The Scholarship Service of swissuniversities has the pleasure to forward to you the attached announcement regarding scholarships that Slovenia is offering to foreign students, including those coming from Switzerland, for the academic year 2019/2020. The scholarships scheme is designed for university/college students or graduates and Ph.D. applicants who wish to accomplish a part of their study at one of the Slovenian institution of higher education (in Slovenian language).
Further information is available on the swissuniversities website.
Scholarships of the Republic of Slovenia 2019/2020 (PDF, 201 KB)
Dear Colleagues and Friends
Over the years the Off the Beaten Track field school on Gozo (Malta) has touched on many themes and topics that shed light on culture and change through every-day practices and phenomena (you can consult a full list on our website). For our 2019 sessions, I am delighted to announce the development of a new collaborative research focus on motorcycle ethnographies, situated on the crossroads of, among others, anthropology of technology, mobility studies, geography of transportation systems and design anthropology.
Under the working title 'Anthropology and the Art of Motorcycle Observation' I will build on my personal interests in this subfield to unravel the use, history and meaning of the island's legendary Honda Super Cub motorcycles. I am hoping to find like-minded researchers to join me - from technology anthropologists, over transportation geographers to mechanics and designers.
Whereas until the mid-60's, animal draught vehicles where the norm on Gozo, Malta today is one of the areas with the most cars per capita in Europe. Amidst the many changes evoked by the motorized transportation revolution, the Honda Super Cub motorcycle has been a surprisingly constant presence. These seemingly simple vehicles have witnessed almost 6 decades of changing relations between society and technology. Needless to say they carry a load of myths, emotions and stories with them.
Contact me if you are interested in participating in the summer school and in setting up a three week personal research project, focussing on one or more aspects of this motorcycle as phenomenon. The idea is that each participant will use their own in-field research about this specific object as a common thread throughout our fieldwork training and discussions, and to create a collaborative journal publication or volume post-fieldwork.
Feel free to share this message with others in your network - students, PhD and established researchers alike - who might find this interesting.
Looking forward to hearing from you & possibly meeting you in Gozo,
Sam Janssen
Program Director