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Bar 20:00 | Referat und Film ab 20:30 | Eintritt: Kollekte
Einführung: Johannes Binotto (Kultur- und Medienwissenschaftler, Universität Zürich)
Kulturbetrieb Royal, Bahnhofstrasse 39, 5400 Baden
Dear Doctoral Students and PhD Candidates
The European organisation EFPSA (European Federation of Psychology Students Association) is organising a European Summer School (ESS) every year where 36 motivated Psychology students from all over Europe will have the chance to experience and conduct research in under the supervision of PhD students or PostDocs. After the ESS, the students work together for 12 months on their research and finish off with a conference the following year, where they will be able to present their research.
Here a short overview of the project:
The JRP is a 12-months programme that starts with the European Summer School (ESS) and wants to give an opportunity to psychology students to gain experience in the research field. The ESS will take place in the beginning of July in The Netherlands. 36 students from all over Europe are taking part (6 students per research group). Every supervisor is leading one of the six teams that carries out a certain research project connected to the field of the supervisor. You can find more information about ESS and JRP here.
If you are a PhD or PostDoc researcher in psychology who would like to be a supervisor for an international group of six motivated students - don't hesitate to apply! And if you know someone who might be interested or if you have the opportunity to contact PhD or PostDocs in your country - please let them know of this amazing opportunity!
The ESS 2018 is taking place in the beginning of July in The Netherlands and this year's theme is 'Psychology and Sexuality' which means that any topic or research area within these fields is eligible. More information can be found in the Supervisor's Guidelines. Please ensure you have carefully read them before sending your application. In order to apply, please complete and submit the application form, where you can also attach your CV.
The deadline for applications is the 5th May 2018, 23:59 CEST.
Please contact if you have any questions about the Supervisor position or the ESS/JRP project in general.
We are looking forward to your application and can guarantee you an unforgettable experience!
Kind regards,
Lena Steubl (JRP Coordinator) & Dzvezdica Aleksoska (JRP Research Responsible)
Vom 18.-19. Mai findet erstmals unser Kurs zum Thema "Religion: Friedens- & Konfliktpotenzial" statt.
Teilnehmende erhalten einen Überblick über verschiedene Religionskonzepte und -begriffe. Sie eignen sich vertiefte Kenntnisse über den Buddhismus, Hinduismus und Islam an und diskutieren mit Expertinnen und Experten, welche Rolle(n) Religionen für Akteurinnen und Akteure in Konflikten und Friedensprozessen spielen. Dabei werden Religionen u.a. als Diskurse, Wertesysteme und Traditionen verstanden, die sowohl friedensfördernd wie auch konflikttreibend wirken können.
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen die teilnehmenden Expertinnen und Experten vorzustellen:
Dieser Kurs kann auch als Modul (1 ECTS) des neuen CAS in Religion & Konflikt besucht werden. Mehr Informationen zu unserem neuen Kurs und dem CAS-Programm finden Sie auf unserer Website.
Die Anmeldefrist läuft noch bis zum 5. Mai!
Junior Project Manager (Internship) in Academic Relations: swissnex India, Bangalore
Employer: swissnex India, Consulate General of Switzerland
Duration 6 months | From 15th August 2018 | Workplace Bangalore | Workload 100%
Junior Project Manager (Internship) in Entrepreneurship and innovation: swissnex India, Bangalore
Employer: swissnex India, Consulate General of Switzerland
Duration 6 months | From 15th August 2018 | Workplace Bangalore | Workload 100%
Fellowships of the Prince Dr Sabbar Farman-Farmaian Research Project
With the generous support of Farman-Farmaian Family, the IISH launches a new fellowship programme named the Prince Dr Sabbar Farman-Farmaian Fellowships for scholars who wish to use its collections for the study of social and economic history of 18-20 century of Iran, whether from a regional, national, or comparative and transnational perspective.
In its function as the Swiss Leading House for Asia, ETH Zurich is happy to announce the launch of a new call for the exchange of young researchers (PhD students, young postdocs and master students in exceptional cases) between Japan and Switzerland together with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The grants will allow Swiss young scientists to spend 3-6 months of research in a Japanese partner laboratory or vice-versa Japanese scientists to perform 3-6 months of research in Switzerland; grants cover international travel and living allowance. The respective guidelines and application form can be found on our website: . The call is open to all scientific disciplines including social sciences and humanities and to researchers from all Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences and research institutes.
Please observe that Japanese candidates will have to apply to JSPS. Deadline for applications is 20 May 2018.
In conjunction with the upcoming 12th ASEM Summit of Head of States, the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) will organise the 3rd ASEF Young Leaders Summit (ASEFYLS3) on the topic “Ethical Leadership" from 15-19 October 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. ASEFYLS3 is a dynamic theory, practice and action oriented project that invites about 150 youth representatives between 18-30 years (students, entrepreneurs and young professionals across both regions) with the objective to empower socially and environmentally responsible young leaders.
We have just launched the Open Call for Application, and would highly appreciate your kind support in circulating it among your university networks. Please find enclosed the Open Call materials (pdf and word file formats for better accessibility) and below the email announcement for easy distribution. The deadline for applications is on Sunday, 20 May 2018.
In cooperation with Technopark Zürich ENRICH organises a workshop on Chinese Funding opportunities and STI Landscape!
Are you interested in collaborating with China, but do not know where to start? Do you have an innovative idea, which you would like to bring to Chinese market? Are you seeking funding opportunities in China? If yes, join the one-day training on Chinese Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Landscape and Funding Opportunities, to develop your strategy towards China.
Content: Chinese STI Landscape, Chinese Funding Opportunities
Registration: via e-mail to
Location: Technopark Zürich
Date: 12. June 2018
Time: 09:00-17:00
Fee: 300 CHF Regular, 200 CHF Technopark Zürich Internal
Registration deadline: 22. May 2018
Invitation to a Workshop with ENRICH in China and Technopark Zurich (PDF, 334 KB)
Im CHESS talk wird das Thema der flexiblen Arbeitsmodelle für akademische und administrative Führungskräfte ausgelotet und grundsätzliche Perspektiven diskutiert. Inputs und Roundtable-Gespräch mit Nina Bessing (EAF), Matthias Mölleney (HWZ Zürich, peopleXpert), Prof. Dr. Katja Rost (UZH) und Claudia Willen (Uni Bern), Prof. Dr. David Seidl (UZH).
The Institute of Art History and the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies at the University of Zurich present the achievements of a field trip to Iran conducted in February 2018. Kindly supported by the Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, it included visits to important landmark sites, academic institutions and encounters with specialists of Iranian art and fashion design.
Speakers: Dr. Urs Gösken (UZH), Elika Palenzona-Djalili (UZH)
Date/Time: Wed, 30 May 2018, 5-6pm
Location: Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zurich, RAA-G-01