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Vereinigung Akademischer Mittelbau der Universität Zürich

Mental Health and Academia

What to do to improve postgraduate mental health. Greater awareness must be matched with steps such as better training for supervisors. In: Nature, 9.5.2018

The Guardian. I thought US universities were driven by profit – until I moved to the UK. I expected a culture shock when I crossed the Atlantic, but I didn’t anticipate how corporatised British universities would be. Anonymous academic, 27.4.2018.

The Guardian. For academics on insecure contracts, it's hard not to feel undervalued. In my first lecturing job, I ignored the low pay and focused on my students. But I never even got a word of thanks. Anonymous academic, 20.4.2018.

Gareth O'Neill, Mathias Schroijen, Eurodoc. Early-career researchers and mental health. (PDF, 310 KB) In: Impact, Volume 2018, Number 2, March 2018, pp. 91-92(2).

Universities UK. #stepchange. Mental health in higher education. March 12, 2018.

Elisabeth Pain. Graduate students need more mental health support, new study highlights. In:, March 6, 2018.

Gareth O'Neill, President Eurodoc

Improving the Mental Health of Early-Career Researchers. (PDF, 1 MB)

Mentimetre @ VAUZ takes you out to fight mental health issues in academia. (PDF, 648 KB)

Presentation @ VAUZ takes you out to fight mental health issues in academia. March 2, 2018.

Rachel Piper, Policy Manager at Student Minds, UK’s student mental health charity.

What’s the role of academics in supporting students’ mental health?

Higher Education Policy Institute, 30.1.2018.

Anthony Seldon and Alan Martin.
The Positive and Mindful University.
HEPI Occasional Paper 18, September 20, 2017.

Holly Else. Academics ‘face higher mental health risk’ than other professions. Lack of job security, limited support from management and weight of work-related demands on time among risk factors. In:, August 22, 2017.

Drew Brown. Getting a PhD Is Bad for Your Mental Health. No shit. It’s why I quit.

Poppy Brown.
The invisible problem? Improving students’ mental health.
HEPI Report 88, September 21, 2016.

Alison Mountz, Geography and Environmental Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University.
Women on the edge: Workplace stress at universities in North America
In: The Canadian Geographer / Le Geographe canadien 2016, 60(2): 205–218.

Download PDF (Women on the edge: Workplace stress at universities in North America.) (PDF, 220 KB)

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31 tips for thriving (not just surviving!) in Graduate School from Virgina Tech Vice President and Dean for Graduate Education Karen P. DePauw