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Association of Academic Mid-Level Faculty of the University of Zurich

Delegates in Institutes, Clinics, Seminars

VAUZ currently delegates UZH junior academic employees to 35 institute committees

According to the election regulations of the UZH bodies, the organization and implementation of the elections of the delegates of Junior Scientists is the responsibility of VAUZ. The elections are held under the supervision of the General Secretariat.

The institute management of the respective institutes, clinics and seminars are responsible for the further processing of the electoral affairs of the institute committees, in which members of all bodies of UZH are represented and participate.

Faculty of Theology

Department of Religious Studies

Department Assebly

Suter, Andrea

Department of Theology

Department Assebly

Engeler, Judith
Seibert, Daniela

Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Department of Banking and Finance

Department of Business Administration

Department Assebly

Schlegel, Tobias

Department of Economics

Department Assebly

Simon, Dóra
Gobbi, Susanna (Stv.)

Department of Informatics

Faculty of Medicine

Institute of Anatomy

Institute Assebly

Gündisch, Ulf
Grand, Kelli (Stv.)

Brain Research Institute

Center of Dental Medicine

Center Assebly

Pejicic, Rada

Institute of Evolutionary Medicine

Institute Assebly

Aldakak, Lafi
Breidenstein, Abagail (Stv.)

Department of Quantitative Biomedicine

Department Assebly

Perez, Nicolas

Institute for Regenerative Medicine (IREM)

Institute Assebly

Rickenbach, Chiara

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Department of Archaeology

Department Assebly

Guirard, Agata Maude
Ivanova-Anaplioti, Hristina
Fecher, Franziska Sabine
Wegmüller, Fabio

Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies

Institute Assebly

Döbeli, Samantha
Imbach, Jessica
Staehelin, Etienne
Weaver, James

Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ)

Department of Comparative Linguistics

Department Assebly

Ebert, Christian
Cathcart, Chundra

Institute of Computational Linguistics

Institute Assebly

Ataman, Duygu
Perepelytsia, Valeriia (Stv.)

English Department

Department Assebly

Schmalz, Mirjam
Schoch, Hannah (Stv.)


Teaching Commission (Program Committee)

Ghilardi, Morgane
Oppliger, Rahel

Institute of Education

Institute Assembly

Bokor, Georgina
Costache, Oana
Quiring-Davaz, Nehemia

Library Commission

Kessler, Stefan

Program Committee

Suter, Caroline

Department of Film Studies

Department Assembly

Engler, Carla
Schamal, Vera

Department of German Studies

Department Assebly

Hahn, Daniela
DuBois, Raoul (Stv.)


Program Committee

Knuchel, Daniel
De Wulf, Chris Caesar (Stv.)

Department of History


Bruttin, Severin
Schober, Sarah-Maria
Zimmermann, René
Davies, Catherine (Stv.)
Müller, Florian (Stv.)
Schweizer, Andrea (Stv.)


Luther, Jonas
Müller, Florian (Stv.)


Gloor, Jonas

Institute of Art History

Institute Assebly

Berndt, Daniel
Schröck, Katja (Stv.)

Department of Musicology

Department Assebly

Delpech, Louis

Institute of Philosophy

Institute Assebly

Plassard, Claire
Schmid, Sebastian (Stv.)

Department of Political Science

Department Assebly

Gessler, Theresa
Reiss, Thomas

Department of Psychology

Department Assebly

Bertschi, Isabella
Heim, Eva
Heimann, Anna Luca
Körner, Barbara
Kreibich, Antonia
Fischkorn, Gidon (Stv.)
Kukowski, Charlotte (Stv.)
Landolt, Selina (Stv.)
Sebben, Simone (Stv.)
Stadelmann, Céline (Stv.)
Wilhelmy, Annika (Stv.)


Doctoral Committee

Bertschi, Isabella
Overkott, Clara


Strategy Committee​​​​​​​

Fischkorn, Gidon


Personnel and Finance Commission

Breitenstein, Christina

Institute of Sociology

Institute Assebly

Velicu, Antonia
Walo, Simon (Stv.)

Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (ISEK)

Institute of Romance Studies

Department of Slavonic Studies

Department Assebly

Meindl, Matthias

Faculty of Science

Department of Chemistry

Department Assebly

Lengacher, Rapahel
Gut, Melanie (Stv.)

Institute for Computational Science

Institute Assebly

Cilibrasi, Marco
Valetta, Claudio (Stv.)

Department of Geography

Department Assebly

Wirth, Manuel

Institute of Mathematics

Institute of Molecular Life Sciences

Institute Assebly

Schlegel, Domino
Zareba, Johanna
Spiri, Silvan (Stv.)

Department of Physics

Department Assebly


Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany

Department Assebly

Neubauer, Anna
Yousefi, Narjes (Stv.)
Mora, Emiliano (Stv.)
Stubbs, Rebecca (Stv.)