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Association of Academic Mid-Level Faculty of the University of Zurich

VAUZ General Assembly


Monday, 24.03.2025
University of Zurich, Campus Irchel 
4 - 6 pm

The VAUZ General Assembly will be held on 24.03.2025 from 4-6 pm in English, followed by an apéro. If you can't make it to the General Assembly at 4 pm, you are more than welcome to just join us for a glass of wine, a beer and some snacks at 6pm!

We are looking forward to celebrating another VAUZ year with you!

Apéro Registration until 20.03.2025

Open Positions at VAUZ

You can run for these vacant positions at the VAUZ Annual General Assembly:

  1. Career Development
  2. Events

For further information on the positions, please contact Jessy and Philip from the VAUZ Co-Presidium.

You can contact them via


1) Welcome and Agenda Approval 16:00
2) Election of Vote Counters 16:05
3) Approval of Minutes of the preceding General Assembly 16:10
4) Annual Reports: VAUZ Board 16:15
5) Annual Reports: VAUZ Delegates Extended Board 16:40

6) Finances

1. Financial Statement

2. Audit Report 

3. Discharge of the VAUZ Board

4. Budget

7) Election VAUZ Executive Board 17:15
8) Guest speaker: Dr. sc. ETH Timon Elmer, Department of Psychology of the University of Zurich, Applied Social and Health Psychology, and Board Member of actionuni, the Swiss Mittelbau 17:30
9) Varia 17:55
Apéro 18:00

Contact for more information.

Minutes VAUZ General Assemblies

Adding Agenda Items to the VAUZ General Assemblies

Agenda items can be submitted up to 20 days before the annual meeting