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Vereinigung Akademischer Mittelbau der Universität Zürich

Swiss-Wide Mental Health Survey amongst academic mid-level staff 2024

The survey explores mental health and well-being of academic mid-level staff  - doctoral researchers, scientific associates, postdocs, and further scientific staff in Switzerland - with the aim of identifying problems and areas for improving working conditions and the research environment.

Swiss-Wide Mental Health Survey among mid-level staff 2024

About the Survey

This survey is initiated by

Participation in this survey is voluntary. If you want to terminate your participation in the survey, you can do so at any time (by closing your browser) without giving any reason and without any consequences for you. If you terminate your participation, all data collected during the survey is deleted after the data collection phase and is not used in any further analyses. Due to the anonymous nature of the data collection process, withdrawal after completing the survey is not possible.

About actionuni

actionuni represents the interests of Swiss mid-level staff and its organizations on a national level. Mid-level staff associations in Switzerland can be members of actionuni. Therefore, please participate on behalf of both, actionuni and your local institution. If you have questions or feedback about the survey, please contact


Your participation in this national survey is important to help your affiliated institution identifying and addressing issues related to mental health, working and research conditions. Also, your input can influence future policies and initiatives to enhance the quality of working and research conditions within the academic community on a national and local level.


Some parts of the survey explore highly sensitive topics such as harassment, discrimination, or power abuse. These parts of the survey could trigger negative emotions or thoughts while completing the survey. Please find suggestions on how to proceed in such a situation at the end of the survey.

Survey Content

This survey should take about 15 minutes, during which you will be asked about your demographics, working conditions, research environment, mental health, and well-being.

Data Protection

Data gathered through the survey will be securely stored in accordance with the Federal Data  Protection Act without any distinguishing features, such as IP addresses or time stamps. The raw data  will be accessed and analyzed exclusively by members of the actionuni board and additional  delegates nominated by the actionuni board specifically for this purpose. Those involved need to sign a  confidentiality agreement before accessing the raw data. The raw data will not be passed on to third  parties. Only anonymized and aggregated data will be published on scientific repositories (e.g., for replication purposes. No individuals can be identified from these data.  

Survey Approval

The survey was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of  Zurich (nr. 23.12.07).
In the event you feel the need to make a complaint regarding the use of your information, you can contact the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (

Data Use

The results will be discussed in a report published on the actionuni website and possibly in academic journals. Each participating institution will receive an institution-specific report to drive local improvement efforts.

Survey Duration

 The survey will run until the end of October 2024. The data will be analyzed and published at the beginning of 2024.

Christine Janine Wittlin
