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Association of Academic Mid-Level Faculty Staff of the University of Zurich

SNF Media Courses for Postdocs and Advanced Researchers

The media courses offered by the SNSF give you the opportunity to prepare and practice your appearance on television, radio, in the press or in the social media under the guidance of media professionals and coaches.

How can I communicate my research topic to a broad audience?
Current topics such as the Covid19 pandemic, climate change, the
energy transition or international conflicts show every day that you have to communicate
need to communicate beyond the boundaries of the specialist community. The
public and politicians are dependent on scientific expertise.
depend on. It is therefore important to integrate our own scientific
scientific findings and the debates in the specialist discourse into a generally
understandable language. This can be learned. After all,
not only the general public hears, sees and reads, but also colleagues in the field.
but also colleagues in the field.

In November and early December, there will be another media training and a
social media workshop will take place.

Info and registration: Media courses for researchers (

Christine Janine Wittlin