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Association of Academic Mid-Level Faculty of the University of Zurich


25. 8. – 10. 9. 2023
EXHIBITION «Future Plan[t]s» 
SAE Greenhouse ETHZ

Organization: Life Science Zurich, SAE Sustainable Agroecology Group der ETH and 18 Artists


The future of our plants is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. How do artists respond to this current discourse and the future of plants? What is the future of plants and their interaction under the drought conditions of climate change? Should plants adapt or diversify to climate change? Will they lose their food base? Can our soil, seeds, and water be preserved?

In the exhibition, 18 renowned artists reflect on these questions in the SAE Greenhouse ART Lab at ETH (Häldeliweg 19, 8044 Zürich). The exhibition is open Fridays, 5pm to 10pm, Saturdays and Sundays, 10am to 6pm.

We look forward to welcoming you at the Greenhouse ART Lab!

Future Plant(t)s | Life Science Zurich Communication & Events | UZH
