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Association of Academic Mid-Level Faculty Staff of the University of Zurich

UZH News «Next-Generation---UZH»

In 2022, UZH creates new permanent positions in teaching and research as part of "Next Generation @ UZH". This fulfills the wish of several generations of UZH mid-level faculty. In spring 1968, Helmut Holzhey and Hans-Ulrich Wintsch submitted a proposal to their UZH colleagues on assistant positions to join forces and discuss the work situation of UZH assistants.


Mit neuen Stellen für Lecturers schafft die UZH attraktive alternative Karrieremöglichkeiten für gut qualifizierte Postdoktorierende. (Bild: Meinrad Schade)

Source: With new positions for lecturers, the UZH is creating attractive alternative career opportunities for well-qualified postdocs. (Image: Meinrad Schade) UZH - UZH News - Lecturers

The assistants met in the spring of 1968 to define their desired voice within the university. The transitory character of the employment of assistants, the creation of a mid-level faculty jobs as well as the conversion of positions of assistants into positions of unlimited duration, analogous to the positions of scientific employees, were discussed.UZH - Vereinigung Akademischer Nachwuchs der Universität Zürich - Archiv seit 1968

After 54, 55 years respectively, the time has actually come: UZH is creating permanent teaching and research positions for qualified individuals who have successfully completed a doctorate and are suitable for a permanent position in research and teaching.
UZH News «Next Generation @ UZH»

Christine Janine Wittlin